Arm Lift

Brachioplasty, or arm lift, is a plastic surgery procedure that specifically targets the excess skin and fat of the upper arm. Sometimes this skin hangs down when you lift your arms by your sides. It can be stubborn and persist even after weight loss. An arm lift involves a combination of liposuction and excision of excess tissue, resulting in a more toned look and a boost in confidence.


How is arm lift surgery performed?

An arm reduction surgery generally requires liposuction, which we describe in more detail here. Direct removal of extra skin may or may not be required. In some cases, liposuction is sufficient to re-contour the arms. When there is extra sagging skin, we explore direct excision of this extra skin and placement of scars in a concealed location. This procedure is carefully tailored to meet your individual needs.


Is arm lift surgery right for me?

Arm lift surgery addresses those stubborn deposits of fat and extra skin that persist even after exercise, strength training or weight lifting. This procedure allows us to reveal your underlying finely toned arms after re-draping the skin and fat above it. If you think this procedure is right for you, give us a call to schedule a consultation.


How much does arm lift surgery cost?

The cost for arm lift surgery can vary depending on your specific needs. During the consultation, we will provide more information on cost for brachioplasty surgery. In the meantime, check out our Plastic Surgery Cost Calculator for typical prices for an arm lift and other popular cosmetic surgery procedures.


What is the recovery like after arm lift surgery?

Recovery after brachioplasty requires 3-6 weeks of avoidance of strenuous activity. We advise that you wear a compression garment to help all the tissues heal in a favorable position. Our Cosmetic Surgery Recovery Calculator provides a timeline and tips on recovery from an arm lift procedure.


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